Monday, November 14, 2011

If I can describe my mood with a song

Dark and gloomy.  We separated right before my bday.. That sux!! This is a memorable 25th Birthday present.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

LMFAO (Reminds me of you) Club remix

I love this beat when it plays in the club! Especially when I am drunk as I am right now baby! WHOOOOOOO!!

What happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas!!!

This is one of my favorite songs for this year. I want to go back to vegas thanks to Kenya Stevens ( I finally got to experience it for the first time. It will be my bday in a few hours. Had a breakup 2 days before today so feeling a little down but will go to Lavo to let my stress free or Catch, 1 OAK, Marquee maybe.. I can go to 80% of the clubs in NYC I know everybody...........

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Chip Squad (My SuperBowl Failed! Commercial)

I could of been famous a tad bit quicker if this commercial would of made the super bowl. It sucks that we had so many funny moments but it had to be cut because it can only be a 30 second commercial to enter the contest. Amateurs!! Im near the end of the commercial..